What Do Orange Peels Repel?

Orange peels have many uses beyond being eaten or juiced. They can be used as a natural repellent for insects, animals, and even people. Orange peels contain limonene, a compound that is known to repel ants, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, and other pests. When used as a repellent, orange peels can help keep your home or garden free of pests.

Most people know that orange peels can be used to repel insects, but did you know that they can also repel other pests? Orange peels contain a natural chemical called limonene, which is known to repel ants, cockroaches, and even mice! If you have any of these pests in your home, simply place orange peels around the affected area and watch them disappear.

You can also use orange peels to freshen up your garbage disposal – just toss a few down the drain and run some water to get rid of any bad smells.

Do Orange Peels Repel Rats?

Rats are a big problem in many parts of the world. They spread disease and destroy property, so it’s no wonder that people are always looking for ways to get rid of them. One method that is sometimes used is to put orange peels around the area where rats are seen.

The thinking is that the rats will eat the peel and then get sick from the citrus fruit. However, there is no evidence to support this idea. In fact, it’s more likely that the rats will just avoid the area altogether because they don’t like the smell of oranges.

If you’re looking for a way to keep rats away, there are better methods out there than using orange peels.

Does Orange Peel Stop Cats Peeing?

If you have a cat that’s urinating outside the litter box, you may be wondering if orange peel can help solve the problem. Unfortunately, there’s no definitive answer.

Some people swear by using orange peel to deter their cats from peeing in certain areas, while others find that it doesn’t make a difference.

It’s definitely worth a try if you’re looking for a natural way to keep your cat from urinating where they shouldn’t, but don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t work.

Do Orange Peels Repel Ants?

Yes, orange peels can help repel ants! Here’s how to use them: Orange peels contain a natural oil that can help keep ants away.

Simply place the peelings around the areas where you’ve seen ants and they’ll be less likely to come back.

You can also put the peelings in a food processor or blender to make a natural ant repellent spray. Just add water and spritz around your home as needed.

If you have an ant problem that’s particularly bad, you may need to call in an exterminator. But for more minor infestations, orange peels are a simple and effective way to keep these pests at bay!

How to Make Orange Peel Insect Repellent?

Looking for a natural, homemade insect repellent? Check out this orange peel insect repellent! Made with just a few simple ingredients, this repellent is perfect for keeping bugs away.

What You’ll Need:

  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol
  • 10 drops orange essential oil
  • Spray bottle


  1. Combine all ingredients in a spray bottle and shake well to mix.
  2. Spray on exposed skin whenever you’re outdoors to repel insects.
  3. Enjoy your bug-free time!

Do Orange Peels Attract Bugs?

Most insects are attracted to the color orange because it is a bright, visible color. However, there is no scientific evidence that orange peels specifically attract bugs.

In fact, any brightly colored object may attract insects if they are looking for food or mates.

If you’re concerned about bugs being attracted to your home, try using natural repellents like citronella candles or essential oils.

Do Orange Peels Attract Rodents?

There are conflicting reports on whether orange peels attract rodents. Some say that the citrus scent of orange peels deters rats and mice, while others claim that the peels are actually attractive to these pests. However, there is no concrete evidence to support either claim.

If you’re concerned about rodents in your home, it’s always best to take precautionary measures such as sealing up any cracks or openings where they could enter, and keeping food stored in airtight containers.

You can also try using natural repellents like peppermint oil or cayenne pepper powder around areas where you think rodents might be present.

Do Orange Peels Deter Pests?

If you’re looking for a natural way to deter pests, you may want to try using orange peels. Orange peels contain a chemical called d-limonene, which is known to be effective against many common household pests, including ants, roaches, and silverfish.

You can either place orange peels directly in areas where pests are a problem, or you can make your own pest-repelling spray by mixing orange peel oil with water.

What Animals Dislike Orange Peels?

There are many animals that dislike orange peels, including bears, deer, raccoons, and opossums. The main reason these animals avoid eating oranges is because of the bitter taste of the peel.

In addition, the essential oils in the peel can be irritating to some animals’ skin and digestive system.

For example, deer will often avoid eating oranges if they have been recently peeled.

Do Orange Peels Repel Slugs?

Slugs are a common garden pest that can wreak havoc on your plants. While there are many chemical and physical methods of controlling slugs, one natural method is to use orange peels. Orange peels contain limonene, a compound that repels slugs.

To use this method, simply place orange peels around the base of your plants or in areas where slugs are a problem.

You can also make a slug repellent by soaking orange peels in water for 24 hours and then spraying the solution on your plants. This method is safe for both people and animals and will not harm your plants.


If you’re looking for a natural way to repel insects, you may want to try using orange peels! Orange peels contain limonene, which is a natural insecticide. You can use orange peels in a variety of ways to keep bugs away from your home.

For example, you can place them around the perimeter of your yard or garden, or put them in drawers and cabinets to keep insects out. You can also make an insect repellent spray by boiling orange peels in water and then spraying it around your home.

Written By: Willard

Jame Willard is a professional writer who writes both compelling content copy and fiction. He is passionate about whatever he writes or does, and he strives to learn something new every day.

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